Aged Care Financial Advice
Trusted aged care financial services
Trusted aged care financial services
Aged care can be a sensitive subject to discuss, and it does involve complex concerns such as sorting out your estate or dealing with aged care providers.
Providing aged care advice requires specialist knowledge, your adviser must have a full understanding of the sensitive issues involved as well as regulatory considerations in the aged care sector.
Choosing the right Aged care option can be stressful and emotional. FM Financial have skilled advisers that can help you make the right financial decisions for the aged care journey. So you know you are making the best choice.
In a free consultation meeting we can take you through the process we work through with our clients, and the information needed to discuss planning a transition to aged care.
FM Financial knows Aged Care, can act on your behalf & take away the worry
What do I need to know?
We help you work through the questions that you and your loved ones are concerned about. Whether it is for yourself or a parent or family member, we can work with you to decide the best options available.
We can help you with areas including:
How will an age pension and other Centrelink benefits be affected?
Will I have to sell the home?
How do I pay fees?
Will money run out in the years to come?
Am I able to change nursing homes?
Will I have to pay tax?
Who will understand what I want?
How do I know I am not paying too much to the nursing home?
Can any costs be negotiated?
The Aged Care process may seem confusing at first but we have created a 5 step process to lead you through the Aged Care system, your FM Adviser can explain the information required at each step.
Planning for aged care
1. Assessment
The first step is to go through the process. Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT) assesses and determines the right care based on the needs required.
2. Research
The ACAT process will have determined the right level of care. Now is the time to begin visiting facilities and understanding the benefits of different locations. Look to create a shortlist of 3-5 facilities.
3. Financial Analysis
Understanding and analysing the financial needs of Aged Care is key to ensuring the best financial plan is put in place. Meeting with your FM Adviser to discuss the Aged Care specific requirements such as care fees, accommodation bonds and medication, as well as the financial management of cash flow and assets is key to ensuring you maximise all available entitlements and minimise fees.
4. Application
Lodging applications to a number of your preferred facilities will maximise the chances of receiving a place. Your FM Financial Adviser can help you work through the finalisation of the costs and financial management to ensure a smooth transition emotionally and financially.
5. Ongoing Financial Management
There will be continuous management required of the ongoing costs, fees, financial issues, Government and Centrelink changes as well as cash flow. Your FM Adviser can help you manage these issues on a regular basis with their in depth knowledge of the process and regulations.
Aged Care Assets Test
Asset test for residential aged care
What income gets assessed:
This includes, but is not limited to:
Income support payments from the Australian government such as the age pension, a service pension, or an income support supplement
Deemed (not actual) income from financial investments
Net income from rental property
War widow or widower pensions and some disability pensions
Net income from businesses, including farms
Superannuation and overseas pensions, and income from income stream products such as annuities and allocated pensions
Family trust distributions or dividends from private company shares
Deemed income from excess gifting.
What assets are assessed:
All your assets are considered, including financial investments, but special rules apply in some situations.
Financial investments include but are not limited to:
Bank, building society, and credit union accounts
Term deposits
Cheque accounts
Friendly society bonds
Managed investments
Listed shares and securities
Loans and debentures
Shares in unlisted public companies
Gold and other bullion.
Other assets include but are not limited to:
Household contents and personal effects (these are typically valued at $10,000)
Foreign assets including investments, business interests, and real estate
Investment property
Special collections such as stamps, art works, or antiques
Superannuation balances
Private trusts, family trusts, and private companies
Refundable deposits paid for accommodation in an aged care home.
Tangibles / What You Get
Your FM Financial adviser can help you focus on the information and issues that are important to you and your specific financial situation.
Aged care can be a very complex area, and different financial situations will require different strategies.
FM Financial can take into consideration your family home, accommodation payments, care fees, and cash flow and investment plans, to help you make the right financial decision for now and the future.
I rely on my Adviser to give me peace of mind when it comes to my financial well being. I have learnt that I can trust him and look forward to a good retirement. Thank you!